His 8 tear shot remains the same, although Super Gluttony also fires off a cluster of tears towards the player, similar to Monstro's tear attack. Super Gluttony: Super Gluttony is similar to the regular Gluttony, but his Brimstone-like shot also goes both ways, similar to the Double Vis enemy. He drops red hearts or the <3 permanent item. Gluttony: Gluttony has two types of attacks, he can either shoot a Brimstone-like shot towards the players direction if they cross the horizontal/vertical path with Gluttony, like with the Vis enemy, or he can shoot out 8 tears in all diagonal, horizontal, and vertical directions. He also drops the Forever Alone permanent item instead of the Shoop Da Whoop! usable item.
Super Envy: Super Envy is exactly the same as regular Envy, however, he splits into 3 heads instead of two. Envy drops either bombs or the Shoop Da Whoop! usable item. This makes fighting Envy very difficult if you're slow or not able to manage your surroundings very well. Each of those heads split into 2 more heads, and those 2 heads split into the final 2 tiny heads before they die off. Upon being destroyed, he splits into 2 heads. He also spawns 2 Spider enemies instead of 3 Chargers.Įnvy: Envy deals only contact damage and floats around the room, constantly moving in a diagonal direction. Instead of just shooting out one tear-like bomb, Super Sloth can shoot out two.
Super Sloth: Super Sloth has the same drops as Sloth, however his attacks are different.